[Earth Space Station.]

Everyone in the Space Station was running and panicking as the heat signatures were only a few planets away from them, moving at an incredible speed. The scientist who discovered them was scared at first but now he was mesmerized by how large space crafts heat signals were. Even though the cameras couldn see any physical matter moving, they were able to keep track of them through motion and heat-seeking cameras.

The scientist figured that whatever was flying those spaces crafts was highly intelligent to be able to achieve long-distance space travel and master cloaking devices. ” Fascinating. Not only were they able to master space travel, but they were able to move large vehicles through the vacuum of space and even cloak them. ” He smiled. ”Its a shame we won be able to make communication with them….perhaps I can try. ” He said as he thought of communicating with whatever was heading their way, even though he didn see them with his physical eyes.

As he fumbled with a few things, the General burst through the room and dragged the scientist out of the room, and threw him into the last escape pod. ” Sir, what are you doing? This is the last one. You have to take it. I can let you stay behind. Let me stay and Ill….. ”

The General ejected the space pod while the scientist spoke, not wanting to hear another word coming from him again. ” If anyones staying, its me. ” He said, being the only human left on the Space Station. He headed back to the control room as he watched the heat signals slowly pass Jupiter and pass Mars.

He sat there in the empty room, waiting for them to get closer as he kept his eyes on the computer screens in case anything happened. This could be the end of humanity.


The five boxes from the personnel that came from the space pods were taken into the base and duplicated immediately. In them were different colored test tubes with mainly colored liquids in them.

These tubes were a part of the secret defense project that was started many years ago. These test tubes contained liquids that were able to alter a persons DNA into specific genes that could enhance their body cells. This was a defense mechanism that was to only be given to the strongest, richest and most powerful humans but now that they were yet to face a possible alien invasion, they had no choice but to make for everyone.

Two hours passed by and over one million tubes were duplicated with more still on the way.


Military personnel was busy setting up large, square-shaped bases in the open, empty fields across the world. No one knew what they were for yet so they watched as these trained combatants turned into construction workers, working their butts off to set up whatever they were doing.

While this happened, Ace and the other students, teachers, and pretty much the world spent their time either on TV or online as they tried to look for answers. These sudden strange behaviors from the military scared a few people, making images that the worst was going to happen.

While Ace and his teacher were watching more news stations, the teenager got a painful headache that made him take a sit. When he did, he passed out for a quick second while an image played out in his head. Three large ships, floating through space, floated over Earth as black, egg-like pods fell down. Creatures shaped like large, muscular lizard men came out from the pods and began firing at the humans, capturing a few as theyd further advance into the city. ”We
e coming for you. ”

Ace woke up with sweat dripping down his face. His heart was racing as the vision kept playing repeatedly in his mind. ” I…I need to get out of here. Cherry. I have to get Cherry. ” He got up from his seat and ran for the door but then, Jason tagged him from his back collar and pinned him down.

He then snatched Aces inhaler and placed it in his pocket while his goons kicked the boy. ” Thought youd leave without your daily dose of Jasons medicine, did you? ” Jason laughed eerily.

”Please…I need my inhaler….Give it back. ” Ace pleaded desperately but the bullies just laughed on. All of this happened in the classroom as the teacher simply stared at the bullies beating up a helpless boy.


[Earth Space Station.]

The heat signals finally passed Mars and were now between the red planet and the Earth Space Station. The General could see them on his monitors but when he looked outside, there seemed to be nothing. Could this be an error of some sort? Could all of this be false? ” He contemplated within himself.

Right before his eyes, a blue streak of energy moved backward as three spaceships revealed themselves. Two smaller ones were on the sides while the largest was in the middle. The General gasped in fear and shock as he witnessed the majestic but terrifying space crafts. Compared to them, the Earth Space Station was nothing but a golf ball compared to a basketball.

The smaller spaceships opened up and out came hundreds of black, egg-like pods that zoomed straight into Earths gravity. The General shook in his boots as he saw what appeared to be a cannon activate on the largest ship. Knowing that his time had come, he saluted one last time with his eyes closed and tears running down his cheeks. ”It has been an honor. ”

An energy blast left the cannon and blasted the space station into nothing but a pile of space trash floating aimlessly.


Back on Earth, the three ships were starting to become visible to everyone and a great panic befell everyone. People screamed and ran around senseless as the ships got closer to the Earths atmosphere. Upon seeing this, all the military personnel directed the people to run toward the box-like bases that had been set up not so long ago.

Soldiers went from door to door, evacuating everyone all at once as theyd direct them to the bases. Multitudes flocked the streets as they desperately tried to get to safety. As this was happening, tiny black dots were seen covering the entire sky. At first, people mistook them for birds flying away but as soon as one of the lack dots crash landed into a building, they shouted and screamed in fear as they trampled over each other and dashed for the bases.


All across the world, sirens and alarms were sounded, indicating that a great disaster had fallen upon them. Many desperately tried to reach for the bases but they were either stepped on and killed, or hit by the black pods that rained down on the Earth like hail.


Back at Aces school, loud sirens were sounded as military vehicles rushed into the school compound. Soldiers run into the buildings and shouted for people to evacuate the building as fast as they could. Aces classmates immediately rushed out, leaving the boy on the ground in pain. He crawled his way out of the room and was greeted by a foot to his stomach from Jason.

” Looks like you
e lucky enough to be abducted, loser. ” He threw the boys inhaler into the school hall as he and his friends ran out of the building. The dust generated by the running students made the air thin for Ace, making him suffer an asthma attack. His breathing became heavy and whizzy. His lungs felt heavier as his airways swelled.

The hall was still filled with running students and neither one of them offered a helping hand to the boy gasping for air. Ace tried crawling his way to his inhaler but it just kept getting kicked further away from him by the passers-by.


Three black pods crashed into the seniors building and out came the aliens. They were tall, humanoid-shaped creatures that had gray, dragon-like scales, reptilian heads and eyes, long, spiked tails, and short horns. They resembled humanoid dragons from the old folk tales of the olden days that people used to read about.

The three aliens were fortunately far from Ace, so he still had a chance of claiming back his inhaler before he ran out of breath. The halls were cleared as the last students ran out. Ace crawled much faster but his body became weaker by each second.

”ACE!! ” A familiar voice cried out. The boy pointed to his inhaler as the owner of the familiar voice, his sister, ran to get it. As she did, however, a green blast of energy shocked her body and threw her down to the ground. Ace watched as his sisters body fell with green energy slowly desolving into her body.

”NO!! ” He screamed as he forcefully crawled toward her. Just then, he felt a foot pin him down and as he looked up, he saw green eyes glaring at him. ”You…youll pay for this. ” *WHAM* A blow to the back of his head knocked him out cold in an instant, forcing the boys body to blackout.

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