Dragon Lord Erotic MMO

Chapter 2: Recreating Myself [Part 1]

Today, the city burns once again.

”How many died today? ”

”How many still live? ”

The sound of screams, wails of terror and the explosion of buildings spread across my entire vision as the demons mercilessly attack all humans they could find.

”Will I scream like that when I die? ”

A mans high pitched voice sounded, his daughter beheaded in his arms as their wife fled in terror alone.

”Can I really blame her for running? What else could she do? ”

The demon brutes ripped apart the man and woman. Running never mattered.

”See? ”

A boy with long hair looked towards the horde of demons. These brutes killed everything he held dear.

He walked towards them, only with the desire to protect the girl with white wings that shivered behind him and the woman with tanned skin and beautiful white rabbit ears.

Rika, his first companion, the first pet, he tamed and raised into a humanoid.

”I cannot let you perish here, Rika, by the terms of our contract. I grant thee freedom. Return to your peaceful world as your summoner… I release you! ”

The beautiful white-haired woman with tight muscles cried out, rushing towards him. When a huge pentagram appeared below her feet, stopping her movement, a luminescent glow flashed as she vanished into particles, gone forever.

”Little girl, I don know your name. But I will fight until you can at least escape… So! Run! ”

A burst of flames swirled around his body. The brute demons numbered over a dozen, rushed towards him with their sharp teeth, drooling mouths and enormous weapons that could crush him in an instant.

”Let the wings of flame grant my will! [Flame Cutter]! ”

With the flick of his wrist and snapped fingers, his flames swirled in a disk, tearing through all the demons wings.

As they approached, the ground shook, his boots vibrated.

But he smiled…

Because he saved them both…

He achieved his goal as the flames died out in their turbid winds. His middle fingers raised towards the demon brutes.

”Fuckers! Try flying with no wings! I swear to get my reve…. ”

The boys head cleaved and crushed into meat paste by the demons as they tore apart his corpse in anger.

Moments later, divine brilliance shot down on them in a huge barrage.

A woman with eight white wings and a sad face stood in the light.

”Very well. You saved my sisters life! Achieve your heart felt desire! May the Lord protect thy soul! ”

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