p>“You’ve really got yourself together, haven’t you? Even though the prince, who’s the same age as you, is running away from his tutor all the time.”

His Majesty smiled and nodded in satisfaction, then sat down.
I followed suit and sat down.

“So, how far has the conversation progressed?” His Majesty asked the Military Affairs Minister.

“Yes, we are in the process of evaluating the potion that Miss Daisy provided as a sample,” the Military Affairs Minister replied while bowing his head to His Majesty.

“So, what are the results?”

I have just finished appraising them, I have confirmed that the potion, high potion, and mana potion are all high-quality potions and the recovery amount is 1.5 times better than normal ones.”

When Heinrich replied, people in the room exclaimed voices of astonishment, “““That’s fantastic!”””

“I believe that the Mage Troop wants to purchase these for use when they deem it dangerous during monster subjugations, correct?”

When the Military Affairs Minister—who I assumed to be his superior—asked Father, he nodded and responded, “Yes.”

“And the Knight Commander said that if that was the case, they would like to purchase high-quality potions and high potions themselves.”
“Yes,”’ replied the Knight Commander.

“Miss Daisy, is it possible to have these goods delivered on a regular basis?” His Majesty asked.

“Yes, all the medicinal herbs that are used as ingredients are grown by me in my fields.
Therefore, I will not run out of ingredients.
I can ensure a stable supply of goods.”

“Oh-ho, from your fields.
Is that why they’re of such high-quality?”

“Yes, good ingredients make good medicine,” I answered His Majesty’s question, then he nodded in satisfaction.

“Treasurer-dono, I will approve of the purchase of her potions.
Put together the details later.
Ahh, that’s right, make sure we buy them at a fair price that fully takes into account their performance.”

The middle-aged man, who was called Treasurer-dono, bowed his head.

Then, His Majesty turns to me again.

“Daisy, your attitude and desire to improve yourself for the sake of improving the quality at your age is magnificent.
Is there anything you want? Is there anything you want as a reward, apart from the cost?”

I was suddenly told to request something and I thought about what I wanted.
Father seemed to be a little on edge as to what I would say.

“I only have the beginner-level alchemy books.
If I were to receive a reward, I would be happy to receive a more advanced book.”

His Majesty nodded in satisfaction at my answer.

“It is no exaggeration to say that our country’s alchemy is lagging behind.
However, it is excellent that there are alchemists that lay the golden egg.
I will grant your wish.
I am sure it will be beneficial to this country,” His Majesty said, then left the room with a satisfied smile on his face.

Afterward, the purchase that was made is as follow:
Three high potions per week, and ten vials each of the others.
With the price being higher due to performance, the price was three times the price of ordinary products.
(Ordinary products → The price this time) [Currency unit].
Potion: One large copper coin → Three large copper coins [3,000 Liers].
High Potion: One large silver coin → Three large silver coins [300,000 Liers].
Mana Potion: Three large copper coins → Nine large copper coins [9,000 Liers].

At the age of five, I received one gold coin and two silver coins—1,020,000 Liers a week.

By the way, the currency unit and monetary value in my country are as follows:
1 Lier = One iron coin
10 iron coins = One small copper coin
10 small copper coins = One copper coin
10 copper coins = One large copper coin
10 large copper coins = One silver coin
10 silver coins = One large silver coin
10 large silver coins = One gold coin
10 gold coins = One large gold coin
10 large gold coins = One white gold coin
10 white gold coins = One large white gold coin

It was roughly five large copper coins for an overnight stay without meals at a medium-level inn, and a common government official, who is not a noble, earns roughly four gold coins annually.
I was surprised to learn that this was quite a lot of money for a five-year-old child to earn.
Well, the reason for the high price was the high potion.
If an arm that’s been cut off, you can attach it back together when you apply the high potion, so it’s sold at a high price.

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