Chapter 223 – Reaching the border!!

We are riding Seilook to the southeast.

We pass by a few mountains and a river, and Princess Lily starts speaking.

“Master Rust, I can see it.
That is the eastern border.”

She points to a main road with two big buildings connected to each other over the road.

Apparently the border is right between those buildings.

There should be soldiers from the neighboring country there, so go down carefully and try not to alarm them, Seilook.”

I say loudly on purpose, and the warmth on my back is suddenly gone.

Ahh… Taula has had a lot on her mind, and hasn’t been sleeping well over the past few days.
And we left early in the morning too.
She has the safety belt, but I’m still glad she didn’t fall.

I lightly pull the rider’s safety belt attached to Seilook, and sigh.

This Seilook saddle was made in a hurry, and it has three safety belts, although only Taula and I are using them.

I guess Princess Lily really likes the sky, because she took the safety belt off, saying she couldn’t move very well with it attached.

Seilook is keeping its flight stable for us, but is there really any need to move around while we’re flying? She’s like a restless kid.

Now she’s leaving the saddle to sit on her side close to Seilook’s neck.
She looks like she’s having a lot of fun.

“Hum, I apologize for falling asleep…”

Taula apologizes quietly behind me.

I look back, and see she’s embarrassed and looking at me with half her face hidden with a handkerchief.

Her forehead is a little red.
That’s probably the part that was touching my back.

Looking at it makes me feel embarrassed too for some reason, and it makes me stammer.

“No, hum… Yes.
We are about to go to enemy territory, so it’s important to rest while you can.”

I say while facing forward and taking my backpack off Seilook’s saddle.

And that’s when Seilook gently lands.

I will be going ahead and jumping down, Rust.”

Taula’s embarrassment is completely gone, and now she’s happily laughing as she removes her safety belt and jumps down from Seilook.

Princess Lily is already on the ground, looking up here.

Did she jump before Seilook stopped? Whatever.
I’m just glad Taula is feeling better.
Although I don’t really understand why she laughed there at the end.

Just as I put my backpack on my back, Seilook brings its head closer to me.

I thank Seilook and accept its help in bringing me down.

People start swarming out of the buildings on the border.
By the time I touch down on the ground, we’re surrounded by people.


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