Twist of fate✨

Traveling to China

The room was looking scattered. Clothes were roughly spread on the floor and bed. The things shell be needing for the journey were all set in the luggage. She should consider arranging the room but no. To her, she will do that when shes back. Thats one of her problems, being clumsy. But does it matter to her? Definitely no. She held her hair in a bun with an elastic ribbon.

”Wei, hurry up. The flight will take off in an hour, ” her aunt shouted from downstairs.

Theres still time, she thought. She took her phone on the disfigured bed, unlock it and dial someones number. The contact appeared with the name abe and a love emoji. She placed the phone on her ear and listened to the ringing tone. It didn ring for long as the person picked the call.

”Hey babe, ” were the first thing he said. Wei smiled on this side of the phone. She talked to him about 30 minutes ago and yet here she is, blushing like a teenage girl on her sixteenth birthday. She just can get enough of him.

”Im all set and ready to go, ” she said.

”Hmm, I doubt that. ”

”For once I didn forget anything. ” Nick could hear the pride in her voice.

”Did you take your sleeping pills? ” Wei was quiet. Gosh. Her sleeping pills. Shed forgotten to take it. ”Did you take it? ” Nick asked again.

”Um… yeah. Im not foolish to forget it. ” She opens the drawer of the cabinet attached to the big mirror and brought out a small container. She kept it in her luggage and zipped it back.

”Uhumm. ” From his voice, she can tell he didn believe her. He knew he reminded her of it.

”Babe! Ill be gone for two weeks straight. The least you can do is not argue with me, ” she whined. Nick apologized even though he didn do anything wrong. They engaged in a friendlier conversation and Wei had almost forgot about the journey. Until a hand snatched her phone from behind. Before she could react her aunt started speaking on the phone.

”Hey Nick, do you want us to miss the flight? The flight leaves in about forty minutes and you guys are having fun. ” The woman started complaining. Wei hit her forehead. Her aunt had to interrupt her special call with her boyfriend. Nick smuggled his laugh to not be heard by the woman.

”Im sorry, aunty. I won disturb again. Safe trip . ”

”Good! ” The woman spoke and ended the call. She gave Wei back her phone. Wei saw the call had been disconnected. She pouted.

”I should have been the one to end the call. Rude! ”

The woman smiled at her. This has become they
e regular routine, Wei not making in time and Chu Hua interfering.

”Do quick and arrange your room. I mean fast. We can miss the flight. ” She turned and headed for the exit while complaining of how couples of this generation act. She said during her time the ladies felt shy to talk to their partners on phone, not to talk of face to face. Wei rolled her eyes. That was then. The universe is changing.

She didn waste much time. She carried her medium luggage. Shell be gone for just two weeks. She won need plenty clothes. She looks at her scattered room and smiled. Yap, this is her. She headed downstairs and met her uncle and aunt waiting for her. Soon, they were in a taxi driving to the airport. They got there quick. Thats the advantage of having a house close to the airport. Her uncle took care of everything and they found themselves sitting in the plane. The man was sitting a seat before them. Wei and her aunt sat together behind the man, close to the window. Wei looked around and saw most of the seats empty. The flight will takeoff anytime soon.

”The flight will takeoff in an hour. ” A womans voice broke into the speaker. Wei looked at her aunt, surprised. Did the woman lied to her?

”At least we
e here early. And we got the perfect spot to watch the beautiful sky when we takeoff, ” the woman said making her roll her eyes again. Shell have to sit in the plane for one hour. Thanks so much aunt, she thought sarcastically. Seeing she had no choice, she focused on her phone. She found herself scrolling down on Instagram. She came across a post about the Chinese star, Ju Kapono, captured on camera at an orphanage.

The twenty-two year old star is quite famous at what she does– acting and modeling. Another thing that people love about her is her generosity. She loves helping and giving out charity from what she earn, setting her apart from most stars. Shes happy for her sister. Sister? Yes. Twin sister actually. Looking at Jus picture she can tell she really changed into the super star she dreamt of becoming. Ju had that passion in her since they were young. Lucky her, shes now a star. Wei on the other hand never looked at herself as a star. To her, being one is stressful. They have to always look good, surprise the people and can even go out without their protectors or get mopped. That is not the kind of life she wants.

Her mind drifted back to her childhood memories with her sister. Her identical twin sister. They look too much alike which made their teachers confused all the time. They had to wear name tag on their uniforms to tell who is who. Even their parents found it difficult telling who is Wei and who is Ju. One can swear they are one person. But now? Now is the opposite. Though they still look too much alike, there are somethings that can differentiate them. Ju is a model, so is slender. She has long her, flawless skin like that of a true celebrity. Her dressings and makeups outshine her beauty to the public. Wei has more weight than her sister, her hair is shorter. It stops at necklength. She hardly wears makeup. And her dressings? That is another level of being simple. She remembered dressing like the 90s back in high school. She get it when her friends found it hard believing shes Ju Kaponos sister. Shes the complete opposite of her when it comes to taste. But does she ever stop to think of it? Probably not. Shes happy for her sister. She might be so old fashion but hey, she got the sweetest boyfriend in the world. Nick Albert. A Canadian man who lives in America with his family. Wei met him three years ago and they started dating after four months of friendship. Yes, theyve been dating for about three years. Hes the best thing that ever happened to her after moving to America with her aunt and uncle. Her uncle, Cree Kapono, moved to America eight years ago. He was transfered and so he begged her father to give him one of the girls to keep his wife busy. They don have a child. Her father understood and the man in need was his younger brother. Wei said she wanted to go. She was tired of the house frustrating rules made by her grandfather, Hu Kapono. Ju was never interested to leave home where she grew up. That is the place her dream will come true, which it has. Her grandfather, Hu Kapono, is a well known business man in China. He has a productive company which his first son, the twins father helps run it. Ju believed with her grandfather and family name, the fame she wanted will truly come to pass, and she was right.

Their grandfather was and still disappointed with his younger son. He wanted him to be like his elder brother, devote his time to the company so it could be in more good shape. But his son was stubborn and the old man likes ruling peoples life. That was why Wei left. The fourteen years old her can take it. She didn regret her decision. Moving to America with her aunt and uncle opened a new life for her. A wonderful one. She gets to be free from her grandfathers complain, live a simple life and met Nick.

It had been long since she last visited China. She could have spend last Christmas there but she stayed back and spent it in America, with Nick. Her grandfather was not okay with it. Th

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